Tuesday, September 15, 2020

"HANS DE VENTE"/"Zinhof" (Nicknames) is a web-psychopath who report my uploads for you, so they will be deleted

This person, "HANS DE VENTE" also use "Zinhof",  mostly use my "Music Chat and Upload Room" and write very sick things about my blog and other visitors who use Music Chat and Upload Room for their own uploads.

This person will be very satisfied when he seen this article. "HANS DE VENTE" is a person who wants to be seen and enjoys destroying for other people as much as he can. 

He reports that my files are illegal so they will be deleted. This web psychopath loves to ruin and writes very sick posts on the Chat and upload page

The majority of these web psychopaths/narcissists are usually very lonely. They have their little computer, where they write their nasty and sick posts. 

If I were to meet this person in real life, he would be so scared that he peed on himself, because in real life, HANS DE VENTE is nobody.

Now you know why my uploads get deleted so quickly.

If any of my visitors is a high level advanced hacker, it may be possible to track HANS DE VENTE, as he will need to log in to post in my "Chat and Upload Room"

//ChrisGoesRock, Sweden  👊

Thanks all of you for this information:

Anonymous said...

Hans De Vente or whatever he calls himself has made so many enemies with this crap he pulls.

A few guys in Utrecht tracked him down to a street called Dellaertlaan in a city not that close to Utretcht. I forget the number of the street but its in a message they posted. 

They said he was a little too far away from Utrecht but if he keeps pissing people off with his blogs and deletions and they are on their way past there, they might stop by his house. He almost never leaves his house.

He's a crazy old man. He should stop before somebody throws his computer out a window and rips the internet connections out of the wall. Or worse.

16 September 2020 at 17:55

Anonymous said...

Hans de Vent is a Dutch man with a persecution habit, who creates a blog one day and the next he deletes saying that "they are going to his house to arrest him for piracy".Invents 1001 accidents in his life.Crazy, psycho.

I've seen him in a few dozen places demonstrating his madness

I will not identify myself because otherwise he will start chasing my blog

16 September 2020 at 01:00 

Anonymous said...

I have lost over 5000 links on Zippy. in 3 months. It incredulous as anything and everything is attacked.

Why and by whom is unknown... It may be your culprit.
How do you know this. Can it be stopped?

Thank you for yelling out.

16 September 2020 at 09:11

Following text was a email to me 2020-09-16 21:36

What youre doing is dangerous, and illegal, crazy persons may take actions that you dont want to be responsible for.

My name has been used by anonymous people for years  now, and none of it is true. Ive given up trying up defending me but what you do is dangerous.

Its the power and the curse of the internet that everybody can post unfounded rumours, they have targeted me since 2005.

I am asking you friendly as a person who has always loved your old blogs, but since i have extreme tinnitus,i dont listen to music anymore.

Thank you in advance

hans de vente

PS.  Who gave you the idea that i can delete posts, if you are not the rights holder and can prove that, no host will delete a post.

Record companies pay companies that use bots that patrol the internet, and report links, and they will be deleted by the rights holder

All the best


Answer:  First of all, The person who reported hundreds of music-blogs, and report all upload files to be deleted, have do so since round 2005.

If this person has stolen your name and used it as his "nickname" since 2005, I suggest you change your nickname in the blog context. 

You have to understand that everyone who posts a blog puts a lot of work into their blog. Then they upload albums to the visitors that this person reports as illegal. He also writes to "Blogger" that the website is illegal, often it is shut down because of the same person.

You also need to understand that anyone who gets their blogs and uploads removed gets very angry. In the end, some bloggers manage to track this person, as everyone leaves traces behind, so it is no wonder that in the end this person is tracked to an address.

You write that you have nothing to do with this person who took your name, then you do not have to worry.

I do nothing illegal by writing about this person who destroyed for so many, and for so many years.

He has to blame himself if he is tracked to his address.

// ChrisGoesRock

Next email sent today 2020-09-17 11:31

Since you have not responded or deleted the post you have till 6 pm your time to do do so, or i will report you to the internet threat department of both the Dutch and the Swedish police,  for threats agains my life.

Answer: First of all (again). Take a look in the comment section. 

If you have nothing to hide, you do not need to be afraid or worried. 

I'm writing this post because we Bloggers are tired of this person, who sitting at his little computer and ruining for other people.


2020-09-20 (Read Me)

It seems like stolen "nicknames" are behind this mess of usernames. The person who stole the usernames is the person who is responsible for all closed blogs and reported links. That person should be found with evidence, so that person should not continue to destroy, as he has done since 2005. 

This person has reported at least 8 blogs to me, and started fake blogs in my name that have only been about pornography with Gay content. He has stayed away from me for 10 years, but has now started reporting all my music links as illegal again. 

This person is not healthy and would probably need psychiatric help as what this person is doing is pure rudeness.

I publish everything you write, you are responsible for the content.

If someone writes the name and address of the person responsible for all closed blogs and links, you must be 100% sure and also have proof of what you claim.

If you are not 100% sure of your source, do not write the person's name and address. You can then ruin the life of an innocent human being. The computer can harm an innocent person more than you think.

We all want to stop this person. But do not guess who the person in charge is. We need to know ...

//ChrisGoesRock  💻


I got a email today 2020-09-27 from: the realhans,  <thisistherealhans@gmail.com>

dear chis

i agree complete with the last part of your post about me
2020-09-20 (Read Me)

It seems like stolen "nicknames" are behind this mess of usernames. The person who stole the usernames is the person who is responsible for all closed blogs and reported links. That person should be found with evidence, so that person should not continue to destroy, as he has done since 2005. 

This person has reported at least 8 blogs to me, and started fake blogs in my name that have only been about pornography with Gay content. He has stayed away from me for 10 years, but has now started reporting all my music links as illegal again. 

This person is not healthy and would probably need psychiatric help as what this person is doing is pure rudeness.

I publish everything you write, you are responsible for the content.

If someone writes the name and address of the person responsible for all closed blogs and links, you must be 100% sure and also have proof of what you claim.

If you are not 100% sure of your source, do not write the person's name and address. You can then ruin the life of an innocent human being. The computer can harm an innocent person more than you think.

We all want to stop this person. But do not guess who the person in charge is. We need to know ...


now there are two things you can do

you can remove the post and comments and the ones in the shoutbox about me and we will all be friends

or you can publish this mail in your blog, but then i have no choice to publish what i know about you, which is a lot.....

so far i have received threats in my mail ,thnaks to you publishing my adress.i have forwarded all to the local police

and you can beleive me or not, i have nthing to do with the attacks on your blog or links.but ask yourself what is easier to believe:

the actions of an anonymous person,who hides behind my (wellknown) name or the actions of me who `is a wellknown name and who you can find.,thanks to you

i will not publish my findings about you, before i get an answer from you, and, you may not believe me, i am still thanksfull to you, if not only for turning me on to darius,i ave got his two cds now

all the best

hans de vente

My answer is: 

First, I'm not worried about what you you "know" about me, and what you have found that is "huge". I have nothing hidden and I do not hide anything that you claim. 

You are welcome to contact: the "Swedish Police", the "CIA", "the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM)" or whoever you want. 

You can invent any lies about me, which you will surely do, and I will now end further blog posts from you.

The reason is that you not are serious at all, is your made-up threat, if I do not do as you wish.

So: End of this story, i'm tired of it.
