Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pete Brown & Piblokto - 1970 UK Unreleased Demos + Bonus Album

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Nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please advise & I'll take the offending trax offline.

CoolSonics 104 ::: Thanks to the original taper & traders! ::: Corrections welcome ::: Swim to the deepest depths of yer temporal brainpan & stir memory's cobwebs to return to the glistening suns of your misspent youth on planets afar with the eccentric & mind-altering sounds of Piblokto! Though featuring some different msuicians in the band, these demos harken from the same year as the band's 2nd pivotal Harvest albums, "Thousands On A Raft", (following the musical revolution of their first, "Things May Come & Things May Go But The Art School Dance Goes on Forever". Of course, up until the advent of import CD's & the internet, most American freaks were left out in the cold as regards Piblokto! as it was scarce wax Stateside, though many of us had glimpsed the groovy looking Mal Dean covers on inner sleeves of other imports. You Brits were a luckier lot, swimming in Harvest thirty three & a thirds. This band broke some ground with genre crossover, the lyrical poetic aethetic of Mr Brown mixed with the an onslaught of deep psychedelic-tinged progressive voyages of rock & jazz leaves one kind of gasping for explanations of what they have heard or where it has taken their thoughts, but with the recognition it was heavy stuff should be treated with admiration & respect. 

So now you can travel there with some "new" tunes, 40 years on. This was some kind of extensive collection of Pete's unissued work, presumably compiled by him in the 1980s, pre"Before Singing Lessons", as many tracks ended up being used for that album. As for low generation claim, there were some other demos on my cassettes now officially released where my tape sounded better than the issued ones... go figure! Don't just do the 5 minute headphone, computer speaker, quick run out to the convenience store type of listen. Take a half hour of your life for the full journey, a choice voice & a band of fine craftsmen, set yourself down in front of yer speakers & enjoy your travels. As the album cover reported so succinctly, Piblokto! was a, "wart on the regal ear" and you know how hard it is to get rid of warts.

More recordings on the way, making up for years of slow netspeed. Kudos to Zongo for life support, Lochner for mikes & much more, & to Fast Freddie for runnin' Video Dick's Record Emporium with the bathroom office full of tape decks. Thanks to Hanwaker (few among us can keep his pace) for over 30 years of trading & friendship. Mountains of gratitude to Davmar, D.White, Sanchez, Elliot, The Florida Kid, Kloiber, Zingg, JTW, Bershaw, Boston Gold, Weeks, Dixon, Moore, Gough & SO many more for all that collecting & sharing... Royal thanks to The Man In The Palace, Doc Tinker, Brinkhoffs, Barely Eatin', Reel Master Gaule, Parrish & all the traders who housed me thru my music acquisition & travel years. Hats off to Brother Kent, Uncle Jake, Little Queenie (& her neighbor Frank) & his honor Ptomaine Thomas. Glasses raised to Byron for musical horizon expansion & much obliged to J & Thurston for keepin' my concert fires burnin' since my continental shift. Thanks to the Mods for keepin' DIME alive. Enjoy, share, give, spread peace. Yers truly, Knees

Pete Brown & Piblokto! 
1970-xx-xx United Kingdom  
Unreleased Studio Demos

♣ Pete Brown - vocals, trumpet, etc!
♣ Taff Williams - guitar  
♣ Phil Ryan - keyboards  
♣ Steve Glover - bass  
♣ Rob Tait - drums  

01. Welsh Are Blunt  08:06 [Demo]
02. Mermaid & Chips  05:35 [Demo]
03. Autumns In Spanish Galleons  04:16 [Demo]
04. C.F.D.T. (Colonel Fright's Dancing Terripins)  07:25 [Demo] 

Track 4 is a very different version than on Brown & Bond's "Two Heads Are Better Than One".

+ Bonus Album!

1. Link
2. Link


  1. Thanks Chris, looks like this will be well worth a listen.

  2. Thanks — I already had the demos, but I took a chance on the mysterious bonus album, which turned out to be one I've been hoping to hear one day.

  3. The 1970 demos are very interesting!

    I was only previously familiar with the Neutrons version of "Mermaids and Chips" (from '74) which featured some of the same musicians that were in Piblokto when these demos were made. -- dandor

  4. Chris, coud you please re-up this Pete Brown recording? Thank you.
