Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Guestbook Added Yesterday

NEWS: A new similar guestbook was added yesterday. >> Bookmark << it so you can see my new blog adress if this is shutdown. I always add my new name & adress in the guestbook.



  1. Are these ones any good?





    I haven't used them, just found them while searching the net.

  2. It´s very simple. If you want that everybody knows your web change you only have to open a twitter account as Darius, Don´t You Get The Feelin and there put all the information we will need to find you again.
    Another name you can use in Twitter is

    Tell us if you open the Twitter Account

  3. @anonymous- not everyone uses twitter so that may not good. also
    HOT SCRIPTS looks pretty good Chris.
    Good luck and thanks for all the tunes!!

  4. to Anonymous: not everyone is on Twitter and all those social networks. I personally hate them all.

  5. You could also use the cbox on willardswormholes.com

  6. HEy how can I shut off those annoying voice ads? There's no player that I can see, and I have to shut down the audio while looking at your site.. meaning that if I'm already listening to something, I have to shut that down too.

  7. http://www.smartguestbook.com
    haven't used but looks good.

  8. Hi Chris,

    I can't give you any advice on guestbook sites other than what google might suggest. But, I might be able to help you migrate your current guestbook to whatever new one you choose (if you even want to do that and find it tricky to do). I've done a lot of back-end server work so I might have a bit more luck with such a task.

    Let me know if I can help. I owe you that much to be sure. First thing would be finding a pseudo-anonymous way to trade contact info.

    Funny. You've had plenty of hassle over the years with your main site but seem to have gotten a bit of a break lately (though it kinda looks like the industry is working on a full-court press for 2015...). So now you get hassles with your guestbook. No rest for the wicked, I guess.
